Cannon: Powder Frenzy

Cannon Trees

The biggest storm of the season for most ski areas dropped a foot and a half of dense fresh at Cannon. The powder frenzy was on. Given poor roads and most mountains receiving similar snow totals, staying close to home was a no brainer. I queued up early for the Peabody and went straight for the Front Five taking two laps down Paulie’s before heading for the summit.

The untracked went faster than I could have imagined possible. Later that morning, the trails emptied as many local skiers that skipped out on work for the morning left the mountain to make their afternoon shift. I have done the same, I know the game. But the damage was done, it was time to go hunting off map.


Vista Bound: Cannon

Vista Way

Has it really been more than two weeks since I last skied? Bad weather and a horrible week long cold combined to remove two weeks from my season. Both the trails and I recovered earlier this week and this coming weekend looks very nice. I eased back into things at Cannon where expectations started low, got raised way too high, and ultimately the skiing was very satisfactory.


Jay: Forgetting to Read Between the Lines

I’ve gone to bat numerous times for Jay Peak defending them against attacks of embellishing conditions and snow totals. I’ve actually cited Jay Peak for solid and reliable snow reporting accuracy and transparency. But I am no homer and when something is amiss, I am going to call it out. It is time to unveil the Truth in Snow Reporting category and Jay gets first crack at it (emphasis mine):
