Jay Peak: NSBS Day 3

Skinning Contingent of the NSBS

Beginning our last run back to Stateside Lodge, I saw the same scene repeating itself as we started down the flat top section of Montrealer: groups of skiers and riders posing for a picture with Jay Peak in the background. It’s something I have done myself in the same location from both sides of the camera. Groups can be expected to be doing this any time during a clear day. I skied past one group. And then another group. And another after that.

And then it hit me. Again. It needs to keep hitting me until it sinks into my thick skull that is so bent on personal experience. What we do as individuals matters less than what we do together with others. I’ve had epic days this season. Deeper powder days. But no days before nor days to come are a match for the past three days. There was something special happening.

Matt and SBR Skinning

Today began with the skinning contingent of the NSBS making a morning patrol in the nearby Jay BC. Hilarity unused. And just when things couldn’t get any more comical, Harvey realized that I had sandbagged him (quite accidentally and only with good intention). More hilarity. The mirth and merriment continued as the skin finally got underway with Harvey leading a strong charge uphill. Turns were exquisite low angle untracked yet compacted powder. Sublime with a side of ski pole cross blocking. The tour ended “New Jersey Style” with bodies and gear being hurled up and over embankments. More hilarity. More smiles.

Matt in the Jay Backcountry

You won’t hear this too many times on thesnowway.com: Jay’s groomers were ripping great following the morning tour. Green Mountain Boys and Exhibition both killed it (dare I say they were both worth skiing The Goat?). Everglade was still surprisingly fresh on the side. And I found a line to die for off map: a loose/packed powder funnel with soft banked bumps. I owe it to myself to go Tramside more often. Not a lot; just more often.

SBR and Pat on Ullr's

So what is a Ski Blogger Summit? What is the effect of social media on skiing (the activity, the community, the industry)? What makes blogging so special? What are my impressions of the new developments at Jay Peak Resort? What happens when you insert an anti-resort day tripping cheap skate into a slope side condo? I hope to answer these questions and more in the week to come.

6 thoughts on “Jay Peak: NSBS Day 3


    SBR is currently enjoying that beer we missed at the end of the day in Stateside Lodge (cheers!).

    A little moist today, skied with my sister and brother-in-law. It was a good groomer day and I feel no shame in packing it in early.

  2. I hoist an invisible Stateside Dixie cup full of beer, cheers! I felt no shame in not skiing at all today, so certainly no shame in packing it in early considering you made more turns than I did today!

  3. I’ll raise a Rock Art American Red. And cast my vote for apres ski beer availability at Stateside.

    I still can’t believe how well we skied together as a group. It’s hard to get six guys to stay together for a few runs, much less three days.

    Steve… when you answer all those important questions can you cc me?

  4. I would have been on AT, but I was lazy…however we tagged up later on and I skied Saturday and Sunday back home.

    Cheers to the invisible beer in the paper dixie cut.

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