The Rules

Mount Lafayette

Yellow Tram Car

The Rules:

  1. On your feet by 5:30am.
  2. No internet after 8:30pm.
  3. In bed by 9:30pm.
  4. No phone in bed.
  5. Minimum 30 minutes reading daily.
  6. Minimum 30 minutes body movement daily.
  7. No internet phone use unless acute need.
  8. Phone off body whenever possible.
  9. Don’t miss twice in a row.
  10. Ski. And bike. A lot.

2 thoughts on “The Rules

    1. Skiing was acceptable for first few runs and got exponentially worse in short order. I left after two hours.

      Thanks for the comment on the pics. My Pixel is decent enough that I stopped lugging around my Micro Four Thirds camera with the pancake lens. It still takes better pictures than the Pixel. But for basic photography, the Pixel does an admirable job and the HDR punches things up nicely without my needing to edit.

      Allusions reflects that my posts this season cast skiing in entirely metaphorical terms (if I write about the skiing at all). I’ve also cast off some illusions, so a change was due and the subtle change seemed appropriate on both levels. 🙂

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