
Tight Trees at Burke

Today defined the awesomeness that is Burke Mountain. Burke can easily be overlooked in the shadow of its more well known neighbors to the southeast and northwest. Despite knowing how great Burke skis, even I often overlook Burke and go searching else where for deeper pow. Its a major mistake to overlook Burke. It’s a special mountain and I owe it to myself to get back here more often.

Juxtaposed against yesterday at Cannon, today was a relaxing coast. Which isn’t to say my pulse was not elevated. But rather that the thrills at Burke require substantially less masochism. Due to extensive muscle fatigue and soreness, I went to Burke intending to keep the pulse down and the excitement level low. Paths into the trees are littered with such best intentions.

Two inches of fluff fell overnight which made the groomers ski incredibly well. I couldn’t help but take repeated laps down the groomers ripping arcs both big and small. Willoughby, Bear Den, and their associated tributaries and branches were buttery smooth and ripping fast fun. I augmented the groomer descents with forays into nearby woods. All too soon, plans for a relaxing and low key day were abandoned.

While two inches of fluff made the groomers epic, the new snow was not enough to completely refresh the tight and steep off map lines at Burke. Coverage was excellent but steeper and tighter lines had been worn down yesterday and had some scratchy surfaces. Less steep and more open lines yielded far better turns. So much so that I found enough untracked left over from Friday to consider today a powder day, two days after the storm. Try that at the more well known resorts!

Two hours were simply not enough time for such a great day on such a great mountain. But my back protested. With only two days of rest before a five day swing, I yielded to prudence and longevity over stubbornness and powder possession.

Haven’t been to Burke yet? What are you waiting for? Paraphrasing the immortal words of Warren Miller, if you don’t ski it this year, you’ll be one year older when you do.

3 thoughts on “Burke!

  1. Sunday was a great day all over the place. Glad you got lost on a holiday at Burke! I hit it just a week ago and loved it. With the dumpage you saw over the last four days, it must have morphed to fantastic.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Wiley! Sadly, LJ has been dieing a slow and painful death due to many factors. I should probably hit up skiing_ne with a cross posted TR at some point to keep things going. Thanks for the comment!

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