
The title for this post has been sitting in my draft queue for over a year and a half. Yesterday’s post regarding Sacrifices is a great segue into this post regarding what others might label “luck”. As in, “you are so lucky to score that powder day!” or “you are so lucky to be able to dawn patrol!” or “you are so lucky to live so close!”.

Bull shit.

The string of words “you are so lucky…” makes me cringe. Putting aside my deterministic opinions, suggesting that my being in the right place at the right time for the right event is somehow “lucky” fails to place proper consideration on the planning and mindfulness to position myself accordingly. Luck fails to consider the sacrifices and strategy involved with being in the right place at the right time for the right event. It also fails to consider that I get skunked sometimes, too. But that is not being unlucky. That is just the nature of the beast.

It is wonderfully and absurdly ironic to see the world from a deterministic perspective yet still approach life from a focused and mindful perspective of illusionary conscious decision making. It is not destiny, it is not pre-determined, and it is not luck. I put myself at the top of an untracked run on a mid-week powder vacation day through a lifetime of decisions that could not have unfolded any other way.

And on the other so called “unlucky” days, I get skunked. And sometime during the last few years, I forgot to appreciate that as well.

In either case, Amor fati. A fitting motto for this season especially. And of course, life in general. And you can keep your luck.


Too many sacrifices are being made. Not enough sacrifices are being made. The wrong sacrifices are being made. Life is full of sacrifices. Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we get it wrong. What should we or should we not do without to ensure maximum time on snow? When do we or do we not sacrifice time on snow for the right or wrong reasons?

When I moved from the northern suburbs of Boston to Northern New England, I sacrificed significantly for skiing. I sacrificed time with friends and family. I sacrificed culture and nightlife and something to do at night. It was worth it. Big time. But I still feel the continued pain involved regarding those sacrifices. Everyday I must reconcile my lifestyle with the sacrifices entailed. That is sacrificing for a mountain lifestyle. For myself, it is a worthwhile sacrifice.

Sometimes I do not sacrifice enough for skiing. When the conditions are less than favorable, I do not sacrifice sleeping in or enjoying a restful day of doing nothing. I need to sacrifice quiet time more often for play time. I need to reignite the spark that holds that a weekend is not complete without turns. And that sometimes requires sacrificing creature comforts when conditions are less than favorable.

Worst of all, sometimes skiing itself gets sacrificed. Sometimes it gets sacrificed for important reasons. But it often gets sacrificed for the wrong reasons such as work or a professional career. Or the wrong reasons for a given individual. For many people, sacrificing skiing for a professional career is what is best for them.

In the past, I have been a victim of my workaholic nature. A victim to my drive towards perfection and doing a job better than most others could do it. I need to sacrifice skiing less for work. One of my life’s mottos is “No Regrets”. Life is too short to sacrifice your most important passion during your prime. Or any time for that matter, but especially during your prime. A high profile career is not a life requirement of mine. A job not nearly done perfect but still above average is acceptable if I can get more snow time. Work need not be perfect and my time on snow is limited and should not be sacrificed unnecessarily.

Too much can be sacrificed for skiing. I need to spend more time with my friends and family. Even in the winter. My desire to “have it all” must include having time for the people in my life.

What are you sacrificing too much or too little of for skiing? What do you sacrifice skiing for and is it the right about of sacrifice or something you want to change? What are you going to do differently this season to get in more turns?