Norwegian Sky Cruise

Norwegian Sky

Opinions regarding the 2014-2015 season will vary greatly, but everyone can agree it was one of the coldest and most bitter winters of recent memory. The cold seemed never ending. The onset of spring skiing was delayed until mid-April with nary any spring skiing in March to speak of. Despite being a winter lover and a skier, I cried mercy. Enough.

Work had also ground me down. Years of accumulated burnout has made week long vacations in the spring and the fall an absolute necessity. Burnout combined with the viciously brutal winter and a subpar ski season had me longing for warmth, sunshine, and relaxation.

For the first time ever, I curtailed my ski season in favor of warmer climes and non-sliding activities. To hell with spring skiing whenever it comes, I needed to get out of the northern New England winter more than I wanted to ski.
